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Pavlova Meringue

Our Motivation

Australians waste around 7.6 million tonnes of food each year, costing the Australian economy around $36.6 billion dollars.
According to the key findings of the National Food Waste Strategy Feasibility Study (FIAL 2021):

  • 2.5 million tonnes (32%) of the annual total food waste is created by households, with Australian households wasting around 18% of the food they purchase.

  • Around 42% of food waste is created in the food supply chain before it reaches food retailers, with 1.6 million tonnes (22%) in primary production and 1.5 million tonnes (20%) in the manufacturing/distribution sector.

  • The Australian Food and Grocery Council, with Stop Food Waste Australia, aims to reduce food waste to landfill by -50% by 2030. Food manufacturers are constantly striving for new ways to achieve these targets.

  • Australia uses around 2,600 gigalitres of water to grow food that is wasted. This equals the volume of water in 5 Sydney Harbours.


  • The amount of land used to grow wasted food in Australia covers more than 25 million hectares. This is a landmass larger than the state of Victoria.

  • Australia’s food rescue sector does an amazing job to help Australians in need.  Each year they redirect or repurpose around 1.0% of this total annual volume, taking good-quality food from manufacturers and retailers, redistributing it as meals for millions of people.

  • Circa 2-3 million tonnes of excess foods are produced annually in food and beverage manufacturing that can't be given to food rescue. This includes line trimmings, out of specification, by-products and excess ingredients from manufacturing and farm supply. These are generated each day and are unavoidable in making the perfect tasting and shaped food and drinks we love.

  • Traditionally, big food companies would work with local farmers or stockfeed suppliers to take this daily by-product, which is still very edible food. However, this is a low value, often less sustainable solution that can contribute to other environmental impacts such as contributing to methane production in livestock.

For more information on food waste statistics or to download the 2021 FIAL report, you can visit the following link:

© 2023 by Renewable Foods Group Pty Ltd.

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